13 Apr 2011

French cuisine

Cycling loads means you can eat loads. Yeterday I ate a honey sandwich, a banana and a massive cup of tea for my first breakfast. My second breakfast was a pain au raisin that was bigger than my face ( and my face is pretty big). Lunch was two vaiche qui rit sandwiches, two cereal bars, a load of tuc biscuits, a load of speculoos biscuits and a snickers washed down with some mixed nuts. My pre dinner snack was a quiche, a slice of rhubarb tart and two coffees. Dinner was frankfurter ratatouille served on a heap of Cous cous.

Nyum nyum,




  1. Thank you for sharing your travel experience. London to Istanbul is a long trip. You really need some energetic food to achieve your expedition :)

    Good Luck

    French course

  2. Your blog is awesome and your narration about your meal really drag my attention. No one can describe in this way. Thanks.I also like french cuisine food very much and i have tried many french recipes which i got from youtube and many other website. I like visiting French restaurants in weekend.
