4 Apr 2011

Day 2

Day 2 and we've already covered 4% of the miles, radical. Yesterday was a microcosm of the whole trip:
• I nearly got run over by a bus and then a taxi
• we both got chased by dogs
• I broke my saddle
• Lizzie got shat on by a bird
• we both got sunburnt

We've been here about an hour and already the campsite is as messy as our flat.

Location:Nr Dover


  1. Hi Mr Ed and Lizzie

    Did not have chance to wish you luck before you set off, so I will do it now.... Bon Voyage and Good Luck with the adventure.

    I see you have been having trouble with dogs, after a childhood of watching cartoons I can recommend carrying a couple of juicy stakes stashed away in the panniers, which can be thrown to distract the blood thirsty canines in times of need. Either that or you can try and stare them out like Mel Gibson in Lethal Weapon 3, although that may only work if you have a mullet.

    I hope that helps. Have a bundle of fun and keep peddling.

    All the best

    Mike & Team Peppersmith

  2. Also failed to say goodbye and bon voyage. I presume you spent all of your last Friday in Nando's? Hope the blog-silence means you're having too much fun to be pecking away on your iPhone, but looking forward to the next update. The weather's amazing here so I hope it's the same where you are.

    Maybe I'll go and clean my bike in your honour today.
