17 May 2011

Stayed in a 1 star hotel last night in Bela crkva. Crossed the border into romania earlier and within minutes were being chased up a 12% gradient by a pack of stray dogs. The scenery was immense, the Danube passes through a huge gorge winding around enormous cliffs and woodland. Accommodation looks to be an issue in Romania, we spent the best part of 30 miles looking for anywhere to stay. The dog problem was resolved by following a german man on a bike armed with pepper spray and rocks, the views were good though:

Location:Dubova, romania

1 comment:

  1. One star is a bit flash isn't it? I think you're missing the point of this trip. Germany spoilt you, obviously. And the dogs were after his ration of pig. Bet you take that comment to Mrs Merkel back now...

    Well done on being over half way there. Keep growing the beard. You look a bit like Alexi Lalas.
